International Opportunities

International opportunities for Italian and foreign students

Front desk:
Via G. Mazzini, 11
10123 – Turin

Tel.: +39 011 88.84.70 / 011 81.78.458

Erasmus contact:

The Conservatorio
The Conservatorio Statale “Giuseppe Verdi” di Torino (The Conservatorio of Turin) is a public institution of higher education that serves Torino and the Piemonte provinces in northwest Italy. The Conservatory specializes in the research and training in the music arts and offers public productions featuring its student and faculty.

The Conservatorio and its Mission
(a) Offer specialized musical training at the highest professional performance levels.
(b) Increase and distribute musical instruction at all educational levels through the training and reeducation of modern pedagogues.
(c) Present and initiate collaborative projects with local and regional institutions
(d) Expand musical knowledge and culture through activities of artistic creation, musical productions, musicological research and exploring music’s historic and artistic heritage.
(e) Maximize student participation in public performances throughout the region.

A Brief History of the Conservatorio
In 1866 the “Musical Institute of the City of Turin” was establish and later became the Royal Conservatory of Music “Giuseppe Verdi” in Turin”.  In 1936 it became the Conservatorio Statale di Musica “Giuseppe Verdi” di Torino and was elevated by the state to issue musical diplomas. Today, the Conservatorio has over 700 students and more than 130 professors offering predominantly individual lessons in addition to instruction in a wide range of performance-based musical groups.  During the year the Conservatorio offers many free concerts featuring their students and has an active program with national and international performers.  Final performance exams are accessible to the public.


European Region Action Scheme for the Mobility of University Students

Dal 2014 è stato attivato ERASMUS+, il nuovo programma dell’Unione Europea per l’istruzione, la formazione, la gioventù e lo sport. Questa opportunità sostituisce il vecchio programma LLP grazie ad una semplificazione delle regole, tra cui l’accorpamento di sette programmi differenti.
Il programma ERASMUS+ prevede la possibilità per studenti e docenti del segmento superiore di studi (triennio/biennio) di effettuare una parte riconosciuta del proprio ciclo di studi (da 3 a 12 mesi) presso un’analoga Istituzione universitaria o accademica di un altro Stato membro dell’Unione Europea o di uno Stato non membro ma incluso nel Programma (non EU Programme Countries: Islanda, Liechtestein, Norvegia, Turchia, Ex Repubblica Yugoslava di Macedonia).

Essendo scaduto il Programma LLP, si procederà progressivamente all’aggiornamento delle istituzioni partner.


Graz – Kunstuniversität Graz
Bruxelles – Conservatoire Royal de Bruxelles
Bruxelles – Koninklijk Conservatorium Brussel – School of Arts
Gent – Hogeschool Gent
Tallin – Eesti Muusika- ja Teatriakadeemia
Lyon – Conservatoire National Supérieur Musique et Danse de Lyon
Essen – Folkwang Universität der Künste
Freiburg – Hochschule für Musik Freiburg
Hamburg – Hochschule für Musik und Theater Hamburg
Lübeck – Musikhochschule Lübeck
München – Hochschule für Musik und Theater München
Reykjavík – Listaháskóli Íslands Iceland University of the Arts
Riga – Jāzepa Vītola Latvijas Mūzikas Akadēmija
Vilnius – Lietuvos Muzikos ir Teatro Akademija
Tromsø – UiT – Norges Arktiske Universitet
Den Haag – Koninklijk Conservatorium
Gdańsk – Akademia Muzyczna im. Stanisława Moniuszki w Gdańsku
Warszawa – Uniwersytet Muzyczny Fryderyka Chopina
Lisboa – Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa
Port – Instituto Politecnico do Porto
Birmingham – Birmingham Conservatoire
Huddersfield – The University Of Huddersfield Hec
Bucharest – Universitatea Nationala de Muzica din Bucaresti
Cluj-Napoca – Academia de Muzică “Gheorghe Dima”
Granada – Real Conservatorio Superior de Música “Victoria Eugenia” Granada
Gran Canaria e Tenerife – Conservatorio Superior de Música de Canarias
Palma de Mallorca – Conservatori Superior de Música de les Illes Balears
San Sebastián – Musikene Centro Superior de Música del País Vasco
Sevilla – Conservatorio Superior de Música “Manuel Castillo” Sevilla
Vigo – Conservatorio  Superior de Música de Vigo
Stockholm – Kungliga Musikhögskolan i Stockholm
Aksaray – Aksaray University
Bursa – Uludağ Üniversitesi
Istanbul – İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
Budapest – Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music

Bando 2024/2025
Student Application Form
Learning Agreement for Studies

Assegnatari a.a. 2024/2025

Erasmus Policy Statement (EPS)

The Conservatorio (College of Music) of Turin (Italy) is keeping up the effort of internationalization started in 2007 through:
• the implementation of a close partnership network both with local institutions such as Dams (Art and Music Department) of the University of Turin, the Stefano Tempia Music Academy of Turin, the Reggia di Venaria, national institutions such as the Vatican Museum in Rome and international institutions such as the Juillard School in New York City, the University of Georgia (USA). In these last years the strategy of the Conservatorio has focused towards the main Far East countries signing MoUs with the Sunshin Women’s University of Seoul (South Korea) and Shenzhen University (China)
• more workshops held by the best national and international artists
• accomodation facilities for students with “E.Di.SU Piemonte” (a regional body for the implentation of students’ rights)
• a reference tutor
• a policy for equal opportunities and it wants to strengthen
• secretarial services and communication with students through a process of computerization and the development of its website
• information and advertising in order to increase the Erasmus in-and-out flows and other activities aiming at encouraging the good practice of international exchanges
• administrative management and support
• teaching flexibility
The project takes into account both the prospect of continuity with the achievements reached so far and a newer and richer offer for students. The offer of a high standard of teaching and the parallel professional preparation of its students have always been and will be even more the goals of the Institute. Only a big and continuous effort for high standards – seeking the best available resources – will enable the Institute itself to involve the labour market successfully. Only through the internationalization of education, experience and training courses can the Institute achieve its aims for high artistic levels. Though the Conservatorio is a state institution it has been active for years in obtaining funds through a network of agreements with both local and national bodies, companies and banks. Indeed the high standards of the Conservatorio – acknowledged both nationally and internationally – have made these agreements successful, paving the way for a further increase in the next future.
The precious experience of the last three years has been very important in achieving its five priorities. This experience has been gained through the project “Working with Music” conceived with the aim of offering opportunities for professional placement to the best graduates through the Leonardo da Vinci grant.
Our present strategy focuses on general priority targets on which the Erasmus project works giving an essential boost through its constant challenge and co-operation with international institutions.

Target 1 – a wider and richer teaching offer through:
• full enhancement of teaching skills of the staff;
• recruitment of external teachers for new disciplines and specialization courses;
• opening of specific courses for students from other schools;
• setting up a functional network linking the main national and international musical institutions;
• encouragement and increase of both students’ and teachers’ inter-university international mobility (Erasmus programme);
• setting up, where possible, cross-disciplinary courses also through the exchange/integration with other equivalent institutions (joint degrees);
• a computer literacy campaign to supply the students with a ECDL (Computer Licence) recognized all over Europe;
• development of foreign language courses also in co-operation with the local University;
• opening of special courses designed for adults;

Target 2 – to foster the diffusion of higher education musical studies:
• promoting education and basic music teaching through a joint effort with all local musical institutions;
• preparatory classes to facilitate access to Higher Education courses;
• promoting the establishment of music-oriented secondary and high schools;
• becoming a landmark through permanent teaching research, integrated with the above-mentioned institutions, in order to observe and evaluate experience at all levels of education, compare and update teaching methodologies for music and instrument teaching;
• promoting inter-institutional agreements;
• offering training and updating courses for teachers;
• creating “level” exams to assess and certify the proficiency and skills required for the admission to the tree-year courses;
• starting preparatory/additional courses to qualify for admission to Higher Education courses;
• organizing activities for schools (concerts, lessons, guided tours, seminars);
• promoting activities aimed at encouraging creativity and competition.

Target 3 – Internationalization:
• increase of Erasmus mobility;
• extension of partnerships;
• promotion of multilateralprojects in collaboration with the Academies of national and international institutions;
interaction with production bodies (students’ placement).

Studiare al Conservatorio “G. Verdi” sarà un’esperienza didattica e umana entusiasmante, ma per avere diritto a parteciparvi bisogna essere in possesso prima di tutto di una Certificazione di Lingua Italiana Livello B2 conseguita presso centri convenzionati. In alternativa, si dovrà effettuare un esame di ammissione di lingua che accerti pari competenze.


A partire dall’a.a. 2021/22 le procedure di ammissione degli studenti extra-UE e Turandot si svolgeranno attraverso il portale Universitaly per il rilascio del visto per studio e attraverso il portale Isidata per formalizzare la domanda di ammissione presso il Conservatorio “G. Verdi” di Torino.

Le informazioni dettagliate sono disponibili nella pagina dedicata alle “ammissioni” (AMMISSIONI candidati extra UE e candidati Turandot)

Corso preparatorio facoltativo
Il Conservatorio “G. Verdi” di Torino mette a disposizione degli studenti aderenti al programma Turandot un corso facoltativo preparatorio all’ammissione.
Gli studenti interessati a iscriversi al corso preparatorio facoltativo devono far pervenire entro e non oltre il 30 giugno la loro richiesta inviando una email all’indirizzo: e allegando alla email:
1) copia del passaporto
2) link ad un video scaricabile che sarà esaminato dalla commissione.
Il video dovrà essere realizzato senza tagli o montaggio; nel video lo studente deve fare una inquadratura di 10 secondi del passaporto, dire il proprio nome e cognome e eseguire un programma a libera scelta della durata di minimo 10 minuti.
La commissione valuterà i video dei candidati entro e non oltre il 15 luglio, dichiarando quali studenti saranno ammessi al corso facoltativo.
Articolazione del corso.
Il corso preparatorio facoltativo prevede:
n. 50 ore di cultura generale e terminologia musicale italiana.
Il Corso, mirante alla trattazione e al consolidamento della Cultura Musicale Generale, verterà sui seguenti punti:
– Fondamenti teorici dell’arte musicale moderna;
– La musica e i suoi elementi essenziali;
– Storia della notazione musicale;
– Elementi tecnici ed estetici della forma;
– Generi e forme musicali;
– Discorso generale sull’acustica
n. 15 ore di strumento o canto
Il Corso prevede lo studio e l’approfondimento del programma previsto per l’esame di ammissione a cui il candidato aspira (triennio, biennio).
n. 10 ore di pianoforte secondo strumento*
Il corso prevede la conoscenza base del pianoforte permettendo agli studenti di sviluppare maggiormente il loro orecchio armonico e la capacità di lettura del doppio pentagramma.
* Gli studenti di Pianoforte sono esonerati dal corso di Pianoforte secondo strumento, potendo usufruire di 20 ore di strumento principale invece che 15.
Il corso preparatorio è libero e facoltativo, non è condizione obbligatoria per essere ammessi al Conservatorio né è garanzia di accesso al Conservatorio di Torino.
Agli studenti che supereranno l’esame di ammissione e che avranno seguito il corso preparatorio facoltativo saranno riconosciuti n. 3 crediti formativi.
Costi: il costo per la frequenza e iscrizione al corso preparatorio facoltativo è pari a € 4.500,00.
Modalità di pagamento.
La segreteria didattica genererà un MAV per procedere al pagamento tramite portale PagoPA e invierà email con dati utili al pagamento solo agli studenti risultati idonei.
Agli studenti ammessi al corso preparatorio facoltativo sarà richiesto, non appena arrivati in Italia, di munirsi di un indirizzo email raggiungibile facilmente.
Gli studenti eventualmente ammessi al corso preparatorio facoltativo non sono esonerati dall’iscrizione tramite il portale Universitaly.

Optional preparatory course
The “G. Verdi “in Turin offers students participating in the Turandot program an optional pre-admission course.
Students interested in enrolling in the optional preparatory course must send their request no later than 30th June by sending an email to: and attaching to the email:
1) copy of the passport
2) link to a downloadable video that will be examined by the commission.
The video must be made without cutting or editing; in the video the student must take a 10-second shot of the passport, say his / her name and surname and run a free program lasting at least 10 minutes.
The commission will evaluate the candidates’ videos no later than 15th July, declaring which students will be admitted to the optional course.
Articulation of the course.
The optional preparatory course includes:
n. 50 hours of general culture and Italian musical terminology.
The course, aimed at the discussion and consolidation of the General Musical Culture, will focus on the following points:
– Theoretical foundations of modern musical art;
– Music and its essential elements;
– History of musical notation;
– Technical and aesthetic elements of the form;
– Musical genres and forms;
– General speech on acoustics
n. 15 hours of instrument or singing
The course provides for the study and in-depth study of the program for the admission exam to which the candidate aspires (three-year, two-year).
n. 10 hours of piano second instrument*
The course provides the basic knowledge of the piano allowing students to further develop their harmonic ear and the ability to read the double staff.
* Piano students are exempted from the second instrument piano course, being able to take advantage of 20 hours of main instrument instead of 15.
The preparatory course is free and optional, it is not a compulsory condition for admission to the Conservatory nor is it a guarantee of access to the Turin Conservatory.
Students who pass the admission exam and who have followed the optional preparatory course will be awarded n. 3 training credits.
Costs: the cost of attending and registering for the optional preparatory course is € 4,500.
Terms of payment.
The didactic secretariat will generate an MAV to proceed with the payment through the PagoPA portal and will send emails with data useful for the payment only to eligible students.
Students admitted to the optional preparatory course will be required, as soon as they arrive in Italy, to have an easily accessible email address.
Any students admitted to the optional preparatory course are not exempt from enrollment through the Universitaly portal.


1) 护照复印件
2) 可下载的视频链接,用于评委组选拔。视屏不可分解或有任何后期制作; 视频开始学生必须在屏幕前展示至少10秒钟的本人护照信息,陈述本人姓名(Cognome, Nome),以及演奏一首自选作品,作品时长至少为10分钟。

– 现代音乐艺术的理论基础
– 音乐的基本要素
– 音乐符号史
– 曲式的分析技巧及美学
– 曲式的种类与结构
– 音响效果的基本常识


* 钢琴专业的学生免修第二专业的课程学习,专业课课时由15小时增加为20小时。

图兰朵预科选修课程是一个由考生自由选择的课程, 该课程的选择与否与考入本音乐学院无关,并且对于该课程的选择对考入本音乐学院没有任何保障。
费用: 图兰朵预科选修课程的注册及课程费用为€ 4.500,00.
学院秘书处即将准备一份MAV以用于缴费,缴费所用应用软件为PagoPa, MAV缴费文件将通过秘书处发送于被选入的学生邮件中。





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Università di Torino

Ciao Italy, e-mail:, WECHAT: +393406997156 (Signora Zhang Xi)



Scuola Leonardo da Vinci®,  email:, WECHAT: scuolaleonardo (Signora Lu Yuan)
